We have lost so much over the centuries down to warfare, fire, wanton and quite senseless destruction.  Perhaps the most grievous loss has been that of our once magnificent Abbeys , which even in their ruinous states are still capable of moving us by their heartbreaking beauty, captured here in stunning and evocative photography Enjoy and maybe weep!

Note for my Ricardian friends.  It will be remembered  Rievaulx Abbey  has  been suggested as the possible burial place of Edward of Middleham, Richard and Anne’s small son,  being within easy reach of Middleham.




  1. Riveaulx Abbey is a long way from Middleham. Coverham and Jerveaulx however are about a half an hours walk. It would surely take all day to reach Rieveaulx.


  2. I mentioned Rievaulx as it was one of the 10 abbeys listed in the article and it has been suggested as the possible resting place of Edward. This may be because Richard visited Rievaulx on Thursday 20 May 1484. See the Itinerary of King Richard lll Rhoda Edwards. Interestingly there is no mention of Richard visiting Jervaulx or Coverham from then on until his death. I did not mention Jervaulx or Coverham in my comments, although they have both been suggested, because they were not among the 10 abbeys in the article. I guess, sadly, we will probably never know. How unfortunate that the burial place of a Prince of Wales can be lost.

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    1. Thank you for your reply. Yes, I have always found Richard’s movements following Edward’s death as rather perplexing. He even visited Nappa before going to Middleham didn’t he? I will have to look out my old worn copy of the Itinerary There is of course a strong school of though that favours a York Minster burial. Having recently visited Coverham I would love to think of Edward as being interred there as it is such a lovely tranquil private setting.
      Thanks for your excellent blog.


      1. Diana..forgot to mention that it is not sure that Richard visited Nappa Hall. See the itinerary page xiii. ‘The duchy of Lancaster writs dated 4 may at Nappa hall indicate that the King went there but more likely show the presence of the Chancellor of the Duchy, Thomas Metcalfe, whose house it was’.

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