Now for something that every fashion-conscious  Lancastrian/Tudorite lady will SURELY want–a tight fitting  mini skirt emblazoned with the smiling…no, make that sucked-lemon… mug of none other than Henry Tudor! A Henry skirt is guaranteed to chase off unwanted suitors; in fact, as thus depicted, he’ll scare off pretty much anyone, really. Although I dare say if you wore this in the high street you would get many stares (and sniggers) indeed! Added bonus is that his watchful wandering eye will move as you do, no doubt keeping a careful eye on your purse as you shop….

If you are of Yorkist persuasion, you might instead go for a skirt featuring Edward IV, looking much more benign and less moody than Henry. I am sure Edward would also quite approve of clinging tightly to the hips of as many ladies as possible….Ahem…

There is a similar mini skirt featuring Richard III as well, but in my opinion he looks just a little teed off and perhaps even  somewhat disapproving. I think he’d rather just skirt around the whole issue…





  1. The different expressions on the three faces are actually pretty funny. I wonder if they were made to look that way on purpose or if it’s due to the fit of the skirt distorting the three portraits in different ways?

    In any case, if these three skirts could talk, I think it would sound something like this…..

    Mini Skirt Edward IV: “This is actually kind of nice….has anyone considered putting my face on ladies’ undergarments?”

    Mini Skirt Henry VII: “I’m watching you young man, hands off the merchandise…hmm, has anyone considered putting my face on a coin purse?”

    Mini Skirt Richard III: “This is worse than Bosworth….please make it stop!”

    Liked by 2 people

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