Richard wasn’t the only monarch whose remains have been handled….

Edward the Confessor

The discovery of Richard’s remains caused a furore, and rightly so, but he wasn’t the only past monarch to have his/her remains, um, pawed about by later generations. This link takes you to an interesting article about ten other kings and queens of England who’ve been gawped upon—sorry, gazed upon—in their last resting place.

Not that I can adopt any moral high ground, because we’ve learned a great deal about Richard, much of it definitely to his advantage, and I’ve been as interested as anyone. But deep down I can still feel a little uncomfortable about it.

I know, I know…mealy-mouthed double standards. Would I have left Richard where he was? No. Would I have denied him a fitting burial? No. Do I wish it could have been done by means of Merlin’s magic? Yes.

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