The preservation and rescue of Sandal Castle….

Sandal Castle, photo Simon Hulme


560 years ago there was an important battle of the Wars of the Roses, the Battle of Wakefield, which was fought before Sandal Castle. The Lancastrians won, and Duke of York and one of his sons, Edmund, Earl of Rutland were killed. A very dark time for the House of York.

But it wasn’t the end of the wars, from which the Yorkists eventually emerged triumphant. Sandal Castle was important to the duke’s other sons because the youngest, Richard III, ordered a lot of building work there. Richard’s reign was tragically short, however, and the work was never completed, so the castle fell into disuse.

But its history isn’t forgotten. To learn more, read this article. (NB: The Yorkshire Post appears to have removed the article. Beyond my control!)

And as the New Year draws near, here are some fireworks. Not quite medieval, but not very modern either! May 2021 be more benign than 2020


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