Bromholm Priory & the Pastons


Recently Bacton Priory, destroyed in the Reformation, has recently been recreated as a 3D model to show how it may have appeared in the late Middle Ages. This is part of a project on the Paston family, who wrote over 1000 letters during the Wars of the Roses period, helping to give historians greater insight into daily life and events in that period of history. Many of the Paston family were buried at Bromholm, which is in Bacton, Norfolk and the reconstruction includes an artist’s impression of the burial of the first John Paston who died in 1466. There has already been a similar model done of Paston Hall, and there are plans for the same treatment for two other ‘lost’ Paston dwellings, Oxnead Hall and Gresham Castle.

Bromholm Priory was founded as a House of the Cluniac Order in 1113 and held as a relic a ‘piece of the True Cross.’ Henry III visited once to see this relic, which was known as the ‘Holy Cross of Bromeholme’ and is mentioned in ‘Piers Plowman’ and in Chaucer‘s ‘The Reeves Tale.’





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