Is the Great Pyramid an enormous water pump, or a wondrous light bulb….?

Lordy, the theories about the Great Pyramid continue to multiply. I suppose it just won’t do to think maybe its position “in the centre of the earth” is purely accidental? Oh, hush, Sandra! Wash your mouth out. I recently saw a long TV documentary that theorised the pyramid was actually an immense water pump.

Anyway, here’s the article that prompted the above outburst. Guess what? it was an enormous light bulb!

I was unable to locate the exact documentary about the water pump theory, but here’s a link to an article about the theory itself.

It has to be admitted that I’m clearly not the right material for this sort of thing, because it’s surely easier to bring water from the Nile in canals—or even buckets!—rather than building such an incredible pump! Oh well… Well! Yes, dig a well….! And light a Very Large Candle if you’re still digging after dark.

One wonders what Richard III would have made of all this. As far as he was concerned it was simply the first of the Seven Wonders of the World. Perhaps it would be wise if we followed his example. Leave this marvel of Ancient Egypt alone. Just view it with wonder.

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