The remains of a summer Palace belonging to the Bishops of Bath and Wells has been discovered in the village of Wiveliscombe in Somerset. The 13th century palace had fallen into disuse after the Reformation and lay in ruins by the 1700’s…when the site was built over and subsequently lost, with the exception of an archway and some stonework in local houses.

However, recently working digging the foundations of a new bungalow have finally uncovered the palace’s remains–lying in a rather different location to what was originally believed in the past.

The Bishops who ordered much work at Wiveliscombe were Bishop Drokensford (1309-29) and Bishop Ralph of Shrewsbury (1329-63). Bishop Stillington likely visited as well, although he did not seem to have spent much time there or signed any documents while in residence.

Information on the recent find at Wiveliscombe:

Information on the history of the Bishop’s Palace:

The remaining archway of the summer Palace

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