Digging up our monarchs; no, not Richard III this time….!

from the link below

I’m told that even now, if you purchase a plot of ground in which to put your loved ones to rest, the chances are they’ll only lie in peace for eighty years, at which time they are removed and new occupants move in. Well, for centuries our dead haven’t always been left to enjoy their ever-after, and our monarchs suffered as much as anyone else.

If you go to this site you’ll learn the fates of some of these great (and not so great) Kings and Queens of England. If you’re squeamish, be warned that some of the descriptions are a little graphic.

1 comment

  1. Another fascinating article Vicountess, apart from where they once again call Richard lll a usurper.
    Will that never end?
    Well I know we’ll never give up, and hope eventually we’ll prove all the rumours about Richard to be false.

    Liked by 1 person

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