The joys of catacombs, caves and labyrinths….

The Catacombs of St Callixtus, Rome

When we wonder about our DNA, origins and so on, there’s one that I’m pretty sure will never turn up in my distant history: I am not descended from troglodytes. I hate going underground—the Circle Line in London made my hair stand on end. My entire experience of caves consists of Cheddar, Wookey Hole and the Clearwell Caves in the Forest of Dean. And that 2014 film As Above, So Below, about the catacombs in Paris, just about gave me the habdabs! I won’t be watching it again, I can tell you. You can see the trailer here.

So imagine my mystification when friends speak in praise of places like the Catacombs of St Callixtus in Rome. “Absolutely fine!” they say. “Highly recommended.” “Incredible!” Others even like visiting ossuaries. No! Not for me. I’m a scaredy cat who won’t go near a church graveyard after dark!

I’ll take their word about the St Callixtus Catacombs in Rome. I’m happy they enjoyed going there. I simply hope they don’t invite me the next time. It might be the end of a beautiful friendship! 😲

And while I’m whining about my inner dreads, I’ll include the Labyrinth at Buda Castle . Yes, I’m sure it’s wonderful….

The Wine Fountain of Mátyás found deep within the Buda Labyrinth. (CC BY-SA 3.0)


  1. I’m with you there Vicountess, nothing underground for me either.
    I was intrigued with the idea of a Wine Fountain in a Labyrinth though, so I googled it.
    Unfortunately, I wasn’t able to learn about it, as it’s now off limits and blocked from being seen.
    Very odd, there’s obviously a lot of history there, but nobody’s sharing that knowledge!

    Liked by 1 person

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