Now Dr Turi King and co-host Rod Demery look at ancient murder mysteries….

“….Ancient Murders Unearthed travels back in time to iconic epochs and cultures to re-tell the stories of infamous and little-known murders, from the Rosemarkie Man, a Pictish man who was killed and ritualistically buried in a Black Isle cave, to Otzi, the ice man who was murdered 5,000 years ago….”

“….The series is hosted by Louisiana homicide detective Rod Demery and geneticist, archaeologist, and forensics expert Professor Turi King who cracked one of the biggest forensic DNA cases in history – the exhumation and reburial of Richard III….”

The above extracts are from this site ‘Letting the bones speak’: Professor Turi King on ‘Ancient Murders Unearthed’ | Sky HISTORY TV Channel

The new series is about ancient murders, so will not cover Richard III again, but it promises to be exceedingly interesting for all that! You can see it on Sky History on Mondays at 9pm, starting yesterday.


  1. Good old Turi! She’s becoming quite the TV personality now! I do like her – and I prefer to see her around than that ubiquitous female Tudor propagandist who is constantly dressing up… I wonder who I can possibly mean?

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