Tutankhamun found – what about Cleopatra?

It is just over a hundred years since Howard Carter discovered the young Pharoah Tutankhamun in an unexpected part of the Valley of the Kings – shades of Richard III, perhaps? Some thirteen centuries later, Cleopatra VII died by her own hand in Alexandria, after her lover Marcus Antonius’ defeat at Actium, but her tomb seems not to have been located yet.

That may be about to change. Here is an article from the Smithsonian, about an attempt, led by Kathleen Martinez, to excavate a waterlogged tunnel under the Taposiris Magna Temple. Previous expeditions in the vicinity have found coins bearing Cleopatra’s name and likeness (NOT as right), together with other relevant artefacts, so there is reason for hope. Here is a BBC Newsround piece on the same subject.

Puer, oh puer, oh puer!

By super blue

Grandson of a Town player.


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