An Elizabethan house that looks Victorian….?

Pirton Court, Worcestershire

Is it just me? Or does this house in Pirton, Worcestershire, which dates back to the Domesday Book and is described as Elizabethan, actually look merely Victorian/Edwardian? Ignore the black-and-white exterior, because even with the original more natural colours the house just does not look 16th/17th century, even though it is. To me it appears too upright, crisp and straight to be that old, and the proportions don’t seem right for the period either. Try as I will—and ignoring the modern furnishings etc.—I just CANNOT visualise Good Queen Bess gliding through the rooms in her best farthingale. And yet the house is old enough.

Looking at the many photographs of the interior, yes, there are some touches of the earlier centuries, but to me they look as if they’ve only been exposed as a token gesture. I may be entirely wrong, of course, but this house seems too “got-at”. So I’ll be letting my piggybank off the hook again this time. Especially as for well over £1 million, in the countryside I’d want detached anyway.



  1. As far as I can tell from the pictures, it is in pretty good shape – perhaps too good. Maybe we think it should appear a bit more run-down.

    Liked by 1 person

    1. Like those old cars that have been kept spotlessly clean and functional ever since their owners purchased them, giving you a surprise when you see one driving around!


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