A new Matt Lewis series about the Peasants’ Revolt….


The Peasants’ Revolt of 1381 was undoubtedly a huge milestone in English history, and it has been written about many, many times. But now there is a new three-video series from historyhit.com, featuring Matt Lewis. You can view the first video here, as well as read all about the background to the great uprising. Matt investigates the ordinary people who were driven to such extreme revolution against the ruling class.

Looking back, it’s hard to believe said ruling class learned so little and persisted in trying to impose their cruel grip on the populace. But then, I suppose it still goes on now.

1 comment

  1. The peasants revolt ,the build up the aftermath and all those amazing characters contained there in would make a brilliant film or tv mini series if the powers that be would only just make a shift away from their fascination of the Tudors..

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