A medieval shipwreck in Poole Bay….

A grave slab being lifted from Poole Bay. Bournemouth University Maritime Archaeology

Yet again the amazing coast of Dorset yields a historic discovery. Not prehistoric this time, but 13th century, in the form of a large sunken vessel with an interesting cargo. Discovered in Poole Bay in 2020 and granted protected status in 2022, the wreck is well preserved and is giving up its intriguing contents of marble mortars, from which it has gained its present name of the Mortar Wreck.

As you will read at this link Massive “grave slabs” recovered from UK’s oldest shipwreck – CBS News, it was full of stone mortars and burial slabs, the raising of which required a “monstrous barge”. The link also contains many photographs and a video of the salvage.

You can read more here Medieval grave slabs recovered from historic shipwreck | Bournemouth University, here Mortar Wreck – 1474570 | Historic England and here Mortar Wreck artefacts to go on show at revamped Poole Museum – BBC News.

1 comment

  1. Thank you Viscountessw for this article, I do have somewhat of a fascination for Medieval ships, last year I visited the Newport ship museum, which I thoroughly recommend, The Newport ship has a truly amazing story of a 15th century ship and how it was found was purely pot luck.

    I do hope this Dorset ship is fully recovered and reveals more facts and with many stories yet to be told.

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