Now the Welsh discovered America….

We were always taught that Columbus discovered America in 1492. Then the Vikings (see here) and Irish (see here) were said to have beaten him to it, and maybe the Templars too (see here). But now it seems the Welsh have thrown their hat into the ring as well. In this article it is declared… Continue reading Now the Welsh discovered America….

A full-size sailing replica of a 15th-century caravel….

Sometimes it’s hard for us to think of the small size of medieval ships. These brave vessels went to sea in all manner of weather, and crossed considerable distances from England to all parts of Europe. One of the swiftest and most manoeuverable was reckoned to be the caravel, which vessel Columbus used when he… Continue reading A full-size sailing replica of a 15th-century caravel….

The Vinland Map is proven to be a hoax….!

  “….Scholars at Yale University have just completed a comprehensive analysis of the  Vinland Map , a cartographic representation of the northeastern North American coast that was supposedly created in the 15th century. Using the latest high-tech methods to examine the ink used to draw its markings, the Yale experts have conclusively proven the Vinland Map to… Continue reading The Vinland Map is proven to be a hoax….!

More nudge nudge that Richard killed his nephews….

  “….If we ignore Lady Jane Grey, then the monarch with probably theshortest reign was Edward V. (Right now I can’t think of anyone else.) He succeeded his father on April 9, 1483, at the tender age of 12. His uncle took him and his brother to the Tower of London “for their protection.” Seventy-eight… Continue reading More nudge nudge that Richard killed his nephews….

London’s Greatest Bridges (with Rob Bell)

The series began at London Bridge itself. From an engineering perspective, Bell explained that the wooden Claudian bridge was the first across the Thames , built on no fewer than twenty-nine artificial islands, making it very difficult to negotiate. It was replaced with a very similar stone unit by Henry II. The Haberdashers were very… Continue reading London’s Greatest Bridges (with Rob Bell)

The Vinland Map, fact or fiction….?

“….The Vinland Map carries with it the air of mystery and, some would say, the stench of deception. In the vaults of Yale University, and insured for $25 Million, it is either a colossal fraud or an artefact of unparalleled value. The map appeared on the scene in 1957 when a couple of shady characters… Continue reading The Vinland Map, fact or fiction….?

Even more “Britain’s Most Historic Towns”

Alice Roberts has been back on our screens with a third series of the above. This time, she visited (Mediaeval) Lincoln, (Restoration) London, (Naval) Portsmouth, (Elizabethan) Plymouth, (Steam Age) Glasgow, (Georgian) Edinburgh and (Industrial Revolution) Manchester, albeit not in chronological order like the two previous series. There was a focus on Nicola de la Haye… Continue reading Even more “Britain’s Most Historic Towns”

Columbus didn’t discover America, Henry Tudor got there first . . . !

I know this book (cover pictured below) is serious, well researched and is no doubt an excellent read . . . but come ON, forget Columbus, the Vikings and early Irish holy men, we all know Henry VII got there first, on his way to settle the small obstacle of Richard III. The Tudor proboscis… Continue reading Columbus didn’t discover America, Henry Tudor got there first . . . !

Henry Tudor Sailed the Oceans Blue?

In fourteen hundred and ninety-two, Henry Tudor Sailed the Oceans Blue?  No, no, we all know that’s NOT the way the rhyme goes…however, apparently, some publishers do not know the difference between the English king and the explorer Christopher Columbus. A picture of Henry VII, labelled as Columbus, recently appeared in a child’s history textbook… Continue reading Henry Tudor Sailed the Oceans Blue?