A part of Richard III’s life often overlooked in fiction is the brief time he spent in exile with his brother, Edward IV, from October 1470 to March 1471. Usually, this event is a mere footnote in most novels, no doubt because it might be seen as ‘slowing down the action’ and also… Continue reading CROWN IN EXILE: A NOVEL OF RICHARD AND EDWARD IN BURGUNDY

Some minor problems with Thomas More’s account.

King Edward, of that name the fourth, after that he had lived fifty and three years, seven months, and six days, and thereof reigned two and twenty years, one month, and eight days, died at Westminster the ninth day of April. King Edward was born 28 April 1442 and died 9 April 1483. He was… Continue reading Some minor problems with Thomas More’s account.

A joust involving two Scottish lords who don’t seem to have existed….

Excerpt from The Brut or The Chronicles of England, ed. Friedrich W.D. Brie (London, 1906), pp. 343-4, 348. “….[1393]….And in the seventeenth year of his [Richard II‘s] reign, certain lords of Scotland came to England to win renown through deeds of arms.   And these are the persons:  The Earl of Mar, who challenged the Earl Marshal of… Continue reading A joust involving two Scottish lords who don’t seem to have existed….

Four Men Murdered by Henry Bolingbroke

I wish I had a pound for every word written about the executions of Hastings, Rivers, Grey and Vaughan at the hands of Richard III. I should certainly be able to expand my portfolio of shares very substantially, indeed well beyond ISA limits. I might even be a millionaire. It may be that these men… Continue reading Four Men Murdered by Henry Bolingbroke

A Portrait of Edward V and Perhaps Even a Resting Place?- St Matthew’s Church Coldridge

Reblogged from A Medieval Potpourri Stained glass image of Edward V Coldridge Church, Devon,   This wonderful church in Devon contains some little gems including a charming portrait of the young Edward V  in  a stained glass window,  king for such a short while.   The story of Edward and his brother, Richard of… Continue reading A Portrait of Edward V and Perhaps Even a Resting Place?- St Matthew’s Church Coldridge

Cheyneygates, Westminster Abbey, Elizabeth Woodville’s Pied-à-terre

  Reblogged from A Medieval Potpourri Cheyneygates, Westminster Abbey, Elizabeth Woodville’s Pied-à-terre A tantalising glimpse of  an ancient passage leading to Abbot’s Court and the steps leading up to Jericho Parlour.  Cheyneygates was situated to the right of the steps.  Photo Dr John Crook Country Life Picture Library. This updated post was written with… Continue reading Cheyneygates, Westminster Abbey, Elizabeth Woodville’s Pied-à-terre