Picking the Bones….

This ghost story was inspired after reading this post by my good friend sparkypus. And the Battle of Barnet just happened to take place at an earlier Easter. Oh, and there’s a nod toward Dickens, but the facts don’t cooperate with Christmas! The eve of the Battle of Barnet, Holy Saturday, 13 April, 1471 It was… Continue reading Picking the Bones….

The armour worn at Waterloo in 1815….

Well, having read this interesting article about the above rather battered piece of nineteenth-century armour from the Battle of Waterloo, I have to say that I doubt if any armour could withstand a direct bullseye from a cannon ball. Not even the best the medieval period could produce!

The “awkward mediaeval cities” (2) : Northampton

Another such is Northampton. Like Oxford, most (all in fact) of the trains run to or from London, although the latter will reconnect to Cambridge in a few years, with Milton Keynes and Northampton joining the line via Bletchley. Northampton is only currently accessible from East Anglia via London, Birmingham, or switching to a coach… Continue reading The “awkward mediaeval cities” (2) : Northampton

Hey diddle diddle, it’s Richard III….!

Sometime ago I read that the words of the old Hey Diddle Diddle nursery rhyme were in fact a reference to the story of Richard III. There are other theories, of course, including this of Elizabeth I: “The story goes that Elizabeth, was often called a cat for the treatment of her court, the mice.… Continue reading Hey diddle diddle, it’s Richard III….!

The complex alliances at the siege of Roxburgh

Today marks the 555th anniversary of the dramatic conclusion of this siege, being a Bank Holiday in most of Scotland. Tomorrow in 1900, the late Queen Mother was born, in London or Hitchin, but of Scottish parentage. We posted about the siege last year but what about the underlying events? James II’s mother was Joan… Continue reading The complex alliances at the siege of Roxburgh

Bang, bang, you’re dead…. !

How intriguing that guns were used fairly early on in medieval times, but only today has a portion of evidence been discovered in England. Illustrations have long since been proof, but to actually have a piece of the action at last is quite a discovery. http://www.yorkshirepost.co.uk/news/main-topics/general-news/video-nasty-yorkshire-life-in-the-age-of-chivalry-1-7155849 There is another article on the same matter, but the link… Continue reading Bang, bang, you’re dead…. !