Sassanachs don’t Like Mondays (allegedly)

Ormond versus Desmond In addition to the canonical list of battles, the sporadic chaos of the Wars of the Roses spawned one or two encounters between the heads of rival aristocratic families, of which the best known is the battle between the Berkeleys and Talbots at Nibley Green in Gloucestershire in March 1470. What is… Continue reading Sassanachs don’t Like Mondays (allegedly)

“From Augustinians to Eboracum at York Guildhall….”

“….During the medieval period, this site north of the 14th-century Guildhall was the location of York’s Augustinian friary, known to have hosted Richard III when he was the Duke of Gloucester. The YAT team uncovered several structures linked with the friary, including a series of large ovens, which may have been part of the kitchens….”… Continue reading “From Augustinians to Eboracum at York Guildhall….”

Richard III and the Augustinian Friary in York

During a branch visit to York during the 1990s the Worcestershire Branch went on a tour of York led by Dorothy Mitchell. Dorothy was the Chairman of The Friends of Richard III, which was based in York. We met her at the Minster which was our first port of call and then we went on… Continue reading Richard III and the Augustinian Friary in York

History in Peril: The Carved Cave at Royston

Beneath the street in the little town of Royston lies an unusual cave filled with medieval carvings that appear to date mainly from the 14thc, although some may vary. Discovered only in the late 18th century, Royston Cave has been ascribed to pagan cults and to the Knights Templar–however, I think, much more prosaically, it… Continue reading History in Peril: The Carved Cave at Royston

The latest on the hunt for Richard’s Y-chromosome

Lionel of Antwerp, Duke of Clarence, was born today in 1338, although he died just before his thirtieth birthday. He is, of course, a mixed-line direct ancestor of Richard III but he is the brother of Edmund of Langley, Richard’s male-line great grandfather. Here, John Ashdown-Hill spoke to Nerdalicious about his attempts to locate Lionel… Continue reading The latest on the hunt for Richard’s Y-chromosome