Coldharbour – An Important Medieval London House

Reblogged from A Medieval Potpourri A segment of the Visscher Panorama of London 1616 showing Coldharbour after the earlier medieval house had been demolished by the Earl of Shrewsbury c.1585 and rebuilt up to the waterfront.  The rebuild incorporated many tenements ‘now letten out for great rents to people of all sorts’ (Stow).  … Continue reading Coldharbour – An Important Medieval London House

L’Erber – London Home to Warwick the Kingmaker and George Duke of Clarence

My latest A Medieval Potpourri post London before the Great Fire and much as Richard Neville ‘The Kingmaker’ and his family would have known it…  L’Erber stood  slightly to the north west of Coldharbour which is the large house seen here in middle of the picture  and facing the Thames.  No depiction of L’Erber… Continue reading L’Erber – London Home to Warwick the Kingmaker and George Duke of Clarence


REBLOGGED FROM A MEDIEVAL POTPOURRI Edward’s parents Isobel Neville and George Plantagenet, Duke and Duchess of Clarence.  From the Latin Version of the Rous Roll.  With thanks to the Heraldry Society. Edward Plantagenet, Earl of Warwick was born at Warwick Castle on the 25 February 1475. Among his godparents were Edward IV, who created him Earl… Continue reading EDWARD, EARL OF WARWICK – HIS LIFE AND DEATH.


REBLOGGED FROM A Medieval Potpourri Henry VII and Elizabeth of York.  Their effigies in Westminster Abbey.  Artist Pietro Torrigiano. Photo I was recently reading an excellent article in the Ricardian discussing Henry Tudor’s enthusiasm, or lack of it, for his marriage to Elizabeth of York by David Johnson entitled Ardent Suitor or Reluctant… Continue reading WAS HENRY VII A RELUCTANT BRIDEGROOM?

If Edward IV didn’t dispose of Henry Holand, 3rd Duke of Exeter, who did….?

I must state from the outset that I could not find any contemporary likenesses of Henry Holand, so the above is of him as played by an actor unknown to me. The life of Henry Holand, 3rd Duke of Exeter has never been of particular interest to me, but I did think that he was… Continue reading If Edward IV didn’t dispose of Henry Holand, 3rd Duke of Exeter, who did….?

l’Erber – the Kingmaker’s lost London home….

  We’ve all heard of l’Erber (various spellings), but perhaps its history and location are not as easily recalled. The following article is from The History Geeks. I tried to give a direct link, but Facebook tells me the article is no longer available. I had found it through a Google search, and have copied… Continue reading l’Erber – the Kingmaker’s lost London home….

What happened to Coldharbour on Richard III’s death. . . .?

Yes, another post about Coldharbour (above) which stood  in Upper Thames Street, London. But this time it concerns an apparent omission in ownership. It is a known fact that after Bosworth, Henry VII turfed the College of Heralds out of Coldharbour and handed the property over to his mother, Margaret Beaufort. Isn’t it? I mean, there’s… Continue reading What happened to Coldharbour on Richard III’s death. . . .?

Can’t imagine Margaret Beaufort cosying up to Thomas Stanley, can you?

  This link takes you to an article about Medieval Palaces in London, and if you go down the page, you’ll come to a picture of the College of Arms, which moved there (from Coldharbour) in the last quarter of the 15th century. Yes, we all know about THAT! However, it is interesting that the… Continue reading Can’t imagine Margaret Beaufort cosying up to Thomas Stanley, can you?

Coldharbour, La Tour, Pulteney’s Inn, the Manor of the Rose….

Every Ricardian knows of Coldharbour, the great riverside mansion in the city of London that Richard III turned over to the College of Heralds in 1483, which was then kicked out again by Henry VII and given to his formidable mother, Lady Margaret Beaufort (I know she wasn’t known as that by then, but it’s… Continue reading Coldharbour, La Tour, Pulteney’s Inn, the Manor of the Rose….