Five important royals who didn’t ascend the throne….

Would these be your five? Or do you have other suggestions? PS Who can spot their deliberate mistake?

The Prince and the Neutron Blaster

Michael K. Jones‘ latest investigation, into Edward the Black Prince, was featured on BBC1’s “Inside Out” South-East, a half-hour regional magazine programme consisting of three reports of which this was the last one. As Jones explained, the neutron blaster is not a weapon used at the 1356 battle of  Poitiers but for present day scientific… Continue reading The Prince and the Neutron Blaster

Murrey and Blue interviews Michael K. Jones

Which of the Black Prince’s military achievements is the most impressive and why? The main attraction in writing a biography of the Black Prince was to bring to life his martial exploits, for Edward of Woodstock, the eldest son of Edward III, captured the imagination of fourteenth century Europe. The chronicler Jean Froissart described him… Continue reading Murrey and Blue interviews Michael K. Jones

A life on the 14th-century ocean waves….

It would seem that pirate queens existed long before the 17th/18th century, the Spanish Main and swash-buckling as we know it. There was a certain French noblewoman in the 14th century who took her revenge upon the French for executing her husband, and did all she could with her pirate fleet to help the England… Continue reading A life on the 14th-century ocean waves….

Jung’s ‘archetypes’ and their function in medieval history.

Originally posted on Giaconda's Blog:
Jungian archetypes I’ve been interested in ‘archetypes’ for a long time as I am very drawn to myth and to aspects of Jungian psycho-analysis particularly with regard to how we analyse the personalities and character of historical figures. Often ‘myth’ is classified as something unreal or untrue yet myths…

Revisiting Azincourt – 600 years of myth making.

Originally posted on Giaconda's Blog:
King Henry Vth ‘O for pity!–we shall much disgrace With four or five most vile and ragged foils, Right ill-disposed in brawl ridiculous, The name of Agincourt. Yet sit and see, Minding true things by what their mockeries be.’ I have always been fascinated by the battle of Azincourt…