The day I met John Ashdown-Hill and he showed me Richard’s funeral crown….

Was it really spring 2014 when the crown that John Ashdown-Hill had made for Richard III’s reinterment was put on display at Tewkesbury Abbey? All of nine years ago! Like many others I went to see it and happened to enter the abbey at a time when there was a lull in the arrivals. I… Continue reading The day I met John Ashdown-Hill and he showed me Richard’s funeral crown….

The blunders awaiting the Coronation….

Well, blunders and accidents can accompany just about any human activity, not only coronations, and the crowning of King Charles III is going to be a departure from the ancient ceremony, with a lot of changes and “modernising”. I’ve already written about my fears concerning that word “modernising”. My entire disenchantment with the Church of… Continue reading The blunders awaiting the Coronation….

Sir William Stanley – Turncoat or Loyalist..

UPDATED POST FROM A MEDIEVAL POTPOURRI Sir William Stanley crowning Henry Tudor with the fallen King Richard’s crown in the aftermath of the Battle of Bosworth.  Unknown artist.. It is well documented how, through the treasonable and treacherous actions of Sir William Stanley at Bosworth, Richard III lost his crown and his life. He… Continue reading Sir William Stanley – Turncoat or Loyalist..


A nice little pre-Christmas break took me to two towns of interest, Buckingham and Grantham. I wanted to see Buckingham museum which is currently hosting a Richard III display featuring the gold Half Angel found in the fields nearby. It was a nice little collection and the info panels were mercifully free of too many… Continue reading TWO ANGELS, TWO BUCKINGHAMS

The history of Henry Fitzroy, Duke of Richmond and Somerset….

This interesting, very readable article is about Henry VIII’s illegitimate son Henry Fitzroy, Duke of Richmond and Somerset. It’s interesting and very readable, and definitely not anti-Richard III, mostly the opposite in fact. But it doesn’t spare Henrys VII and VIII. I enjoyed reading it in spite of a few bloopers that are nevertheless not… Continue reading The history of Henry Fitzroy, Duke of Richmond and Somerset….


A metal detector enthusiast has come up with an impressive find that may be worth a cool £2 million. Tucked away in a hole in a field field near Market Harborough was a tiny figure made of pure gold. This figure is believed to be from the ‘Tudor Crown’ designed by Henry VII for state… Continue reading THE TUDOR CROWN UNEARTHED

Down with Reggie Bray: hooray for Francis Lovell….!

Well, here are two stories from two English villages. Firstly, the present Prince Richard, Duke of Gloucester, will be at St Mary’s Parish Church at Eaton Bray, Bedfordshire, to mark its 800th anniversary. Unfortunately, the Bray part of the village’s name comes from Reggie Bray, upon whose memory we, er, frown. Reggie, of course, is… Continue reading Down with Reggie Bray: hooray for Francis Lovell….!


UPDATED POST AT A Medieval Potpourri It is well documented how, through the treasonable and treacherous actions of Sir William Stanley at Bosworth, Richard lost his crown and his life. He was hacked to death after Stanley, who brought 3000 men with him, intervened at the crucial point when Richard, with his household… Continue reading SIR WILLIAM STANLEY – TURNCOAT OR LOYALIST