Some progress in Cairo, but not enough yet

Here is the Mail article in question, by Dominic Sandbrook. He has now abandoned More as a source and the superficial coincidence of some bones being found within a quarter of a mile of More’s location – never mind that More’s priest is said to have buried the “Princes” below a thirteenth century staircase, let… Continue reading Some progress in Cairo, but not enough yet

The oldest yew trees in the British Isles….?

When it comes to yew trees (European variety – taxus baccata, picture from the Woodland Trust) the British Isles are very well endowed, not only with thousands of fine specimens, but hundreds of fine ancient specimens. Who hasn’t noticed the yew trees that grow by our parish churches? It’s said they’re a remnant of pagan… Continue reading The oldest yew trees in the British Isles….?

How to cast a “Richard III”

Here is a Guardian article about Arthur Hughes, who qualifies for the role in that he is male, disabled (in a subtle way) and was only thirty when chosen by the Royal Shakespeare Company, as was Richard III in June 1483 when chosen by the Three Estates. He isn’t an octogenarian, a woman or pretending… Continue reading How to cast a “Richard III”

The only surviving remains of a member of the Kentish Royal House, and of one of the earliest Anglo-Saxon saints….?

  Well, I was watching TV news—the bit where they review the newspapers—and had to laugh (with the reviewers) when they came across the headline “Remains of the Deity”. Brilliant. I’ve since Googled the phrase and the newspaper wasn’t the first to use it, but it was certainly the first time I’d heard it. Anyway,… Continue reading The only surviving remains of a member of the Kentish Royal House, and of one of the earliest Anglo-Saxon saints….?

Has mtDNA identified Jack the Ripper?

“Ripperology” is quite a confused subject and at least a dozen suspects have been conclusively “identified as the Whitechapel fiend. Nevertheless, this article and the book detailed within, if taken at face value, uses the scientific techniques that identified Richard III, Jesse James, Nicholas II and others to claim to solve the East London riddle… Continue reading Has mtDNA identified Jack the Ripper?

George III revealed

This documentary, presented by Robert Hardman of the Daily Mail, unveils some of our longest-serving King’s secrets, such as a draft abdication letter after American independence was achieved. It also discusses his health issues in greater detail. Until recently, it was thought that he suffered from porphyria, a physical disease that Mary Stuart carried to… Continue reading George III revealed

Myths Being Revived

Dominic armed - note the helmet's narrow eye slit

I have been watching the BBC’s ‘The Hollow Crown’ with interest, as I have never actually seen the whole of Shakespeare’s Richard III and none of Henry VI (Parts I and II). At first I was appalled at Benedict Cumberbatch’s grotesquely exaggerated portrayal of Richard, but consoled myself by thinking that at least, because people… Continue reading Myths Being Revived