Let’s visit Kent, the Garden of England….

All too often Kent, the “garden of England” is thought of as the county to come and go through, with not too much stopping on the way. But it’s a very beautiful county with a huge amount of history, and this article is about a week spent there simply exploring. It goes through the days… Continue reading Let’s visit Kent, the Garden of England….

The Murderous Stanleys of 15th-century Lancashire….

A POST ESPECIALLY FOR HALLOWE’EN…. Here is a tale of murder most foul that I think suits Hallowe’en, even if it didn’t actually happen at Hallowtide. It’s based on fact, and I first found it in Lancashire Folk Tales by Jennie Bailey and David England. Since then, in one form or another, it has also… Continue reading The Murderous Stanleys of 15th-century Lancashire….