Edward V and Coldridge: the evidence so far

Thanks to this Daily Telegraph article last December, the world is now far more aware of  the distinct possibility that the former Edward V lived on as “John Evans” at Coldridge in Devon into the reign of Henry VIII, his nephew, as a parker minding deer for his half-brother Thomas Grey, Marquess of Dorset. In… Continue reading Edward V and Coldridge: the evidence so far

The deer fancied a writ or two….!

When it comes to deer and the medieval period, we always think of the poor things being hunted for their venison and everything else. But it seems that they were sometimes kept in the house! Not just a casual break-in as in the image above, but actually being there all the time. Hard to imagine… Continue reading The deer fancied a writ or two….!

Medieval gaming board clue to lost monastery….

The Monastery of Deer in Aberdeenshire has been lost for centuries, but now the discovery of a stone medieval gaming board has raised archaeologists’ hopes that they have found the missing buildings. The search has been on since 2008. It was at Deer that the monks wrote the celebrated 10th-century illuminated manuscript known as the… Continue reading Medieval gaming board clue to lost monastery….