The awful modern disguising of a genuine medieval building….!

I was intrigued to read this article, but then rather annoyed. The Tudors have nothing whatsoever to do with the building in question, so why is it necessary to mention them? They even seem to be a selling point! The building is apparently older than the reign of Henry VII, the first of the Tudor… Continue reading The awful modern disguising of a genuine medieval building….!

Has one of the Kingmaker’s pirate ships been found in Newport….?

Last night I watched (on PBS America) a BBC2 Timewatch episode entitled The Mysteries of the Medieval Ship. It concerned the discovery, in June 2002, of a foundered/scuttled medieval vessel of some size, buried in the oozing mud of the Severn Sea – well, the oozing mud of the River Usk, at Newport, to be… Continue reading Has one of the Kingmaker’s pirate ships been found in Newport….?

Richard’s portraits and scoliosis….

    While searching for the actor Ben Miller’s association with scoliosis (he had a corrective operation when a child) I came upon the following article, which (I think) he has written. If not, there is another Ben Miller. The item was written in December 2014, but is full of interest concerning Richard’s portraits, tree-ring… Continue reading Richard’s portraits and scoliosis….