Richard III, Hotspur and premonitions….

“…..’Richmond! When last I was at Exeter,The mayor in courtesy show’d me the castle,And call’d it Rougemont: at which name I started,Because a bard of Ireland told me onceI should not live long after I saw Richmond.’…” from Richard III by Shakespeare (Act 4, Scene 2, Lines 103-7) So wrote Shakespeare of Richard III’s arrival at… Continue reading Richard III, Hotspur and premonitions….

Heading for a new record?

This is Richard Dunne, the player who has scored the most top flight own goals (ten in twenty seasons) since the beginning of the Premier League. “David” is already challenging that total in a shorter time frame. Here are some of his career highlights: 1) Claiming that “Perkin” confessed his imposture to a Scottish Bishop, many… Continue reading Heading for a new record?

Richard, George, Edward and HENRY at the same wedding….?

Here is a strange identification. While seeking more information about the duel that had supposedly taken place at Richard and Anne’s wedding, I happened upon a source that made it clear the Richard and Anne in question were the little Duke of York, son of Edward IV, and Anne Mowbray, and the wedding date was… Continue reading Richard, George, Edward and HENRY at the same wedding….?

Tales of a Ricardian Traveler — Part Three: Ripon Cathedral and Richmond Castle

Originally posted on RICARDIAN LOONS:
Lady on Horseback, mid-15th c., British Museum I admit I have a special fondness for the “third smallest city in England” – Ripon.  It’s located in North Yorkshire and is a bustling cathedral town, famous for its racetrack and the “Ripon Hornblower”. It’s also well-situated for making day trips to…