The art of marrying in secret

So now we examine the case of the artist Raphael (d’Urbino), who lived from 1483-1520. He was officially betrothed, in 1514, to Maria Bibbiena, the niece of a Cardinal (left, painted in 1516), which implies the need for some propriety in the relationship. Canon law would definitely apply and the chance of secretly marrying her… Continue reading The art of marrying in secret

Someone else who clearly didn’t marry in secret

Here she is, joining the list with Edward IV (twice), Louis XIV, John Lennon, King Fahd of Saudi Arabia, Sir Andre Previn, Ed Sheeran, Dan Snow and Adele. Never mind the evidence, the judicial decisions and the legislation, it just didn’t happen (as they say in Cairo).

She also married in secret …

… and, to add to Louis XIV, King Fahd of Saudi Arabia, Andre Previn, Ed Sheeran and Princess Beatrice, we can now add the singer Adele to the list – she appears to have married in 2016 but divorced in 2019. In Cairo, they will still maintain that Edward IV married in secret in 1464,… Continue reading She also married in secret …

A further secret marriage …

… has been contracted between Princess Beatrice of York and property developer Count Edoardo Mapozzi. Unlike the cases of her sister and cousins the Dukes of Cambridge and Sussex, we cannot easily trace a common ancestor for the couple. Of course, despite those who still claim that Edward IV’s 1461 secret marriage didn’t happen, Louis… Continue reading A further secret marriage …