The Wars of the Roses’ last battlecry on England’s soil….?

Our Yorkist shoulders always slump with dismay when we think of the Battle of East Stoke in 1487. With this defeat, and the death of the young Earl of Lincoln, who was regarded as the heir of Richard III, Henry Tudor was more firmly on his stolen throne. This site is devoted to the battle… Continue reading The Wars of the Roses’ last battlecry on England’s soil….?

Dear Mr Beefeater, will you sell the Tower….?

  Sell part of the Tower? Good heavens. The thing is, what price would the estate agent hope to place on the flat? I mean, it’s a setting that’s second to none! I imagine too that a few very influential personages from the past might pitch in to block (pun entirely intentional!) such a transaction.… Continue reading Dear Mr Beefeater, will you sell the Tower….?

St Andrew’s Church, Wingfield and the Tombs of the de la Poles

Reblogged from A Medieval Potpourri St Andrew’s Church, Wingfield, Suffolk.  Mausoleum of the de la Poles.   You know when the great Sir Nikolaus Pevsner was ‘impressed’ with a church then it must indeed be rather special (1).   And St Andrew’s with its soaring clerestories, nave roof with  arched braces resting on figures of winged… Continue reading St Andrew’s Church, Wingfield and the Tombs of the de la Poles

The HANDSOME Duke of Burgundy….?

At the moment I’m trawling around medieval rulers in Europe. And lo! I’ve come upon this gentleman: His contemporary likenesses aren’t much better, so why was he called Philip the Fair/Handsome? Was it tongue-in cheek? If you look through the various recreations of him in this link below, if they’re even halfway accurate you can… Continue reading The HANDSOME Duke of Burgundy….?

Ricardian Heavy Metal & Tyrell’s Rotten Rap

RUNNING WILD–BLOODY RED ROSE I came across this heavy metal song from the 1980’s a while back– BLOODY RED ROSE by Running Wild.  It is ‘pro-Richard III’  and here are the lyrics: In the war of the roses, the tragedy source King Edward was bound to die Richard III the new “lord protector” Ruled with… Continue reading Ricardian Heavy Metal & Tyrell’s Rotten Rap

Horrox on the de la Poles

Two weeks after visiting Wingfield , I attended a “Wuffing Education” Study Day at Sutton Hoo, addressed by Rosemary Horrox on the de la Pole family. This juxtaposition of dates was entirely beneficial as their genealogy and history was fresh in my mind so it was easy to follow Horrox’s train of thought. She covered the… Continue reading Horrox on the de la Poles

The Abbey of the Minoresses of St Clare without Aldgate and the Ladies of the Minories

Anne Montgomery nee Darcy.  One of the much respected Ladies of the Minories from the window of Holy Trinity Church, Long Melford, Suffolk. Shakespeare said ‘all the world’s a stage and all the men and women merely players’.  Following on from that if we may be allowed to say that the Wars of the Roses were… Continue reading The Abbey of the Minoresses of St Clare without Aldgate and the Ladies of the Minories

More Tyrrells, this time in Oxfordshire. One family or two?

This (below) is Shotover Park in Oxfordshire, formerly part of the Wychwood royal hunting forest. It became the property of one Timothy Tyrrell in 1613, the year after the death of Henry Stuart,  Prince of Wales, whom Tyrrell had served as Master of the Royal Buckhounds. Tyrrell was further honoured with a knighthood in 1624… Continue reading More Tyrrells, this time in Oxfordshire. One family or two?

Richard and John de la Pole I and II….

This article is about the de la Poles and their connection with Hull. The author rather muddles some members of the family but there are no nasty comments about Richard III.…/story-29118778-…/story.html

Apart from a few minor details …

… David Starkey thinks that he has solved the mystery of the “Princes”. The minor details are: 1) Tyrrell’s trial was for helping the de la Pole brothers, not to do with any “murder” of anyone at all. 2) The (fully documented by Thomas Penn) trial took place at the Guildhall, not the Tower. Henry… Continue reading Apart from a few minor details …