Ten things you should know about the Battle of Shrewsbury….

  My introduction to the Battle of Shrewsbury was at school, when Shakespeare’s Henry IV Part I had to be studied for ‘O’ levels. I didn’t like Henry IV then, and I don’t like him now. He was a usurper who murdered his cousin Richard II in order to plant his Lancastrian backside on the… Continue reading Ten things you should know about the Battle of Shrewsbury….

Richard III, Hotspur and premonitions….

“…..’Richmond! When last I was at Exeter,The mayor in courtesy show’d me the castle,And call’d it Rougemont: at which name I started,Because a bard of Ireland told me onceI should not live long after I saw Richmond.’…” from Richard III by Shakespeare (Act 4, Scene 2, Lines 103-7) So wrote Shakespeare of Richard III’s arrival at… Continue reading Richard III, Hotspur and premonitions….

Philippa Mortimer, Countess of Pembroke and Arundel – a short, interesting and little-known life

Philippa was the younger of the two daughters of Edmund Earl of March and Philippa of Clarence,and second youngest of their four children, being born in November 1375. Philippa lost both her parents at a very young age, but her future was provided for (eventually) by her marriage to John Hastings, Earl of Pembroke after… Continue reading Philippa Mortimer, Countess of Pembroke and Arundel – a short, interesting and little-known life

Were the Wars of The Roses an Inevitability?

In my spare time I have been reading Henry IV by Chris Given-Wilson. It’s a massive book, full of information, probably the most complete work on Henry since Wylie’s four-volume effort in the 19th Century. Frankly, I’m finding it hard going. Not because it’s a bad book (it isn’t) or because Given-Wilson is a bad… Continue reading Were the Wars of The Roses an Inevitability?

A Legendary Ten Seconds special

Recorded by Boycie and The Legendary Ten Seconds For The Mortimer History Society Released on Richard the Third Records June 2019 Catalogue number R17 Recorded at Rock Lee 2018, Orleton Village Hall & Other World Studios May 2019   John Challis : Boycie vocals Lord Zarquon : Mellotron flute keyboards Ashley Dyer : Trumpet Rob… Continue reading A Legendary Ten Seconds special


In a tiny town in Wales, a ruined castle stands on rising ground amidst a haze of dark trees. An atmospheric round tower, cracked  by time; shattered walls, the remains of hall and chapel. Privately owned, a garden drops down the hillside before it, to an old house  which appears to contain much castle stonework.… Continue reading THE STRANGE LEGEND OF USK CASTLE

Mer de Mort reviewed

Anything new from the Legendary Ten Seconds is always to be greeted with delight, and this new album does not disappoint. It tells the story of the House of Mortimer from its beginnings in France, to its ultimate destiny on the throne of England, through its descendants of the House of York, Edward IV and… Continue reading Mer de Mort reviewed

The inspiration for Richard III’s rosary….

The following article and extract are from Nerdalicious:   “ ‘In the nineteenth century the Clare Cross was found in the castle ruins. It’s actually a reliquary, containing a fragment of the True Cross, and it was probably made soon after 1450  so probably it belonged to Richard III’s mother. For that reason, when I… Continue reading The inspiration for Richard III’s rosary….

How the House of Mortimer was cheated….

Here’s how the great House of Mortimer petered out and was supplanted by a Lancastrian usurper who killed the reigning king and stole his throne. Then, under the House of York, the House of Mortimer triumphed again….until, in 1485, along came another Lancastrian usurper to kill the reigning king and steal the throne….. Never trust… Continue reading How the House of Mortimer was cheated….

Does someone not understand science?

This blog suggests that the failure of Richard’s Y-chromosome to match that of the Dukes of Beaufort doesn’t make him a male line descendant of Edward III through the “illegitimacy” of Richard, Earl of Cambridge. The issue it fails to address is this: The inconsistent chromosome has several other, more likely explanations – that Richard… Continue reading Does someone not understand science?