Carson on the Beaufort Legitimation

Here is Annette Carson‘s investigation into the legal background behind the legitimation of the four Beauforts, a case with obvious implications for 1483 and the succession but some differences as well. Indeed, to what extent did Henry IV, with four healthy sons and two fit daughters want his half-siblings to be among his heirs?

The Duke of Lancaster and his third duchess….

Here they are again, John of Gaunt, Duke of Lancaster, and Katherine de Roët/Swynford, the mistress who became his third duchess and thereby caused a storm throughout society nd history. A storm that still reverberates today, because it’s from John of Gaunt, Duke of Lancaster that the House of Lancaster descends, and from both of… Continue reading The Duke of Lancaster and his third duchess….

Henry VII’s iffy Beaufort claim….

There is always a howl of outrage if fingers are pointed at Katherine de Roet/Swynford and John of Gaunt, and the legitimacy of their Beaufort children is called into question. The matter is guaranteed to end up with someone’s digit jabbing toward Richard III. Why? Because in his proclamation against Henry Tudor, Richard derided the… Continue reading Henry VII’s iffy Beaufort claim….

The truth about the Beauforts and the throne of England. . . .

  John of Gaunt, third son of Edward III, was the Duke of Lancaster, and his illegitimate children, the Beauforts, were barred from the throne by his legitimate, firstborn son, Henry IV. Clearly the latter wasn’t having any baseborn relative wearing the crown. Nevertheless, we eventually ended up with a Beaufort king, who claimed to… Continue reading The truth about the Beauforts and the throne of England. . . .


The Duke of Buckingham is rather a ‘dark horse’ figure in the history of Richard III. No one knows for sure why he  aided Richard to take the throne only to turn upon him in rebellion a few months later. Simplistic ideas such as ‘he repented of his ways after the princes were murdered’ don’t… Continue reading A MAN WHO WOULD BE KING: THE DUKE OF BUCKINGHAM AND RICHARD III