The Church and the midsummer solstice….

  You might wonder what the above 1855 painting (from Gunby Hall, Lincolnshire) has to do with the summer solstice, but it’s taken from this National Trust article, which emphasises the magical aspect of this particular time of the year. It also illustrates the sort of books I read as a child. Today’s adults underestimate… Continue reading The Church and the midsummer solstice….

St Barnabas and churches filled with flowers….

On dipping into Thomas Firminger Thiselton Dyer’s book The Folk-lore of Plants I came upon the following:- “….Certain flowers, such as the rose, lavender, woodruff, and box were formerly in request for decking churches on St. Barnabas‘ Day (June 11) the officiating clergy having worn wreaths of roses. Among the allusions to the usage may… Continue reading St Barnabas and churches filled with flowers….

Leap years, leaplings and leaping saints….

This year is a leap year, when tradition has it that on 29 February we women are permitted to propose to the men of our choice. Well, I doubt that much of that goes on these days, not least because marriage itself seems to be on the decline. Oh, and if you were born on… Continue reading Leap years, leaplings and leaping saints….

Epiphany – medieval and now….

According to the Oxford Dictionary, the following two definitions refer to the use of the word epiphany:- The manifestation of Christ to the Gentiles as represented by the Magi (Matthew 2:1–12). Definition (1) A moment of sudden and great revelation/realisation. Definition (2) Epiphany has been a recognised feast of the Western Church since the 5th… Continue reading Epiphany – medieval and now….

The truth about the Christian New Year’s Eve….

New Year’s Eve now and New Year’s Eve in the mediaeval period actually refer to two different calendar days. Old New Year’s Eve was 24th March. For an easy-to-understand explanation, please go to here, but whichever the day, it was still New Year’s Eve. We now celebrate it with much fun, laughter and hope, but… Continue reading The truth about the Christian New Year’s Eve….