The mystery castle I didn’t know I was passing in 1957-1960….

In 1958-1960, when I lived just outside Hucknall, Nottinghamshire, I remember that about 1.74 miles/2.80 kilometres from my home I often passed an old farm close to a parish church. I simply noticed, that’s all. Back then I wasn’t particularly interested in history. I was a teenager, more concerned with the likes of Buddy Holly,… Continue reading The mystery castle I didn’t know I was passing in 1957-1960….

What do you know of Greasley Castle….?

  I have to say that Greasley isn’t a castle that comes easily to mind, even though a former occupant fought for Richard III at Bosworth. It’s in Nottinghamshire, dates to the 14th century, and was larger and more opulent than Haddon Hall, which I do know, of course. A certain Nicholas de Cantelupe built… Continue reading What do you know of Greasley Castle….?

Handmade in Bolton

This is a short BBC4 series about the Lancashire craftsman Shaun Greenhalgh’s attempts to recreate historic artefacts using modern methods. Co-presenting with Janina Ramirez, Greenhalgh seeks authentic materials, where possible and safe, trying to put them through the right processes. Not all of these work immediately, although the end result closely resembles the original. The… Continue reading Handmade in Bolton

A visual and literary appreciation of Sir Gawain and the Green Knight, by Simon Armitage….

 Most people, even if they haven’t read/tried to read, the ancient British poem Sir Gawain and the Green Knight, will at least know the opening scene. It’s Christmas at Camelot, and King Arthur and his knights are enjoying themselves, feasting and celebrating, when into the hall rides a huge knight who carries a sprig of holly.… Continue reading A visual and literary appreciation of Sir Gawain and the Green Knight, by Simon Armitage….