Michael Sheen and Richard III’s “radial dysplasia”….

Well, this only such-and-such actors can play such-and-such roles has reared its silly head again. I thought the whole point of being an actor was to play (and immerse yourself in) numerous different roles, but now we have Michael Sheen pronouncing that only Welsh actors should play Welsh roles, see here. Eh? Why, pray? Aren’t… Continue reading Michael Sheen and Richard III’s “radial dysplasia”….

An interview with Jeff Pope, writer of “The Lost King”….

  There has been a lot of publicity about the splendid The Lost King, but until happening upon this article I hadn’t read anything about the thoughts of the writer, Jeff Pope. What had his opinion of Richard III been before the advent of Philippa Langley and her almost miraculous discovery of Richard’s remains? One… Continue reading An interview with Jeff Pope, writer of “The Lost King”….

The lady responsible for the costumes in The Lost King….

I have heard mixed opinions about the costumes for The Lost King, mostly that the armour was spot-on but the king’s other clothes weren’t luxurious enough. Well, if you’ve wondered who was actually responsible for making them, here’s the answer:- “….A historical costume maker from Nottingham created some of the clothing worn by the actor… Continue reading The lady responsible for the costumes in The Lost King….

Richard III meets Philippa and Harry at the Wallace Collection….

We’ve been deluged with reviews and information about The Lost King, and we’re flocking to see it wherever we can. But one thing has always been thin on the ground, and that’s publicity photographs. We’ve had the same few, so finding another (not actually from the film itself) with Philippa Langley and Harry Lloyd looking… Continue reading Richard III meets Philippa and Harry at the Wallace Collection….