Does a certain mansion in Bishopsgate hold the secret of who really wrote Shakespeare’s works….?

This article commences with the following: “….A cluster of individuals claimed by some to be the true authors of Shakespeare‘s works lived in or near the same ostentatious mansion in the City of London at much the same time….” The mansion is in Bishopsgate and yes, it is known for its connections with the Bard.… Continue reading Does a certain mansion in Bishopsgate hold the secret of who really wrote Shakespeare’s works….?

Elizabeth Vernon, Countess of Southampton.

Elizabeth Vernon, who lived from 1572 to 1655, was a maid-of-honour to Queen Elizabeth I. In 1598, while serving in that capacity, she became pregnant by Henry Wriothesley, Earl of Southampton (1573-1624) who is perhaps best remembered as a patron of Shakespeare. Queen Elizabeth was not amused, and had the pair of them thrown in… Continue reading Elizabeth Vernon, Countess of Southampton.