Do you remember?

There was a British comedy song in the 1970s about metrication. Although I cannot trace it, even on their website, it may well have been by the Barron Knights. It suggested that a Cabinet Minister of the time be renamed Michael 30.24cm and the headquarters of the Metropolitan Police (who arrest people for 1.27cm-ing) Scotland… Continue reading Do you remember?

A Crusader sword found in the Mediterranean…

A probable Crusader sword has been discovered under the sea off Israel. As yet it’s covered with the marine accumulation of centuries, and I await eagerly for when it’s been cleaned and its true identity revealed. It’s hard to believe it was just lying there on the sea bottom as in the photograph above. And… Continue reading A Crusader sword found in the Mediterranean…

The Daughters of Edward I

Kathryn Warner‘s latest tome has arrived and soon raised memories of Ashdown-Hill’s Eleanor, as two of the daughters in question – Joan of Acre (twice) and Elizabeth of Rhuddlan – are among the ancestorsĀ of Lady Eleanor Talbot, Lucy Walter, “Mrs. Fitzherbert” (Maria Smythe) and Laura Culme-Seymour, as shown in Royal Marriage Secrets and replicated here.… Continue reading The Daughters of Edward I

Richard III and the Ancient Egyptian cheese….!

In this intriguing list of twenty , the discovery of Richard III’s remains comes in at number two! He was pipped at the post by an extremely old cheese from Egypt. Eh? Old cheese? Sorry, but can that possibly be more important than Richard? It doesn’t even have King Tut’s fingerprints or teethmarks! šŸ˜¦ Oh… Continue reading Richard III and the Ancient Egyptian cheese….!