Friday the thirteenth and the Templar curse….

Today is 13 March 2024, but thankfully it’s a Wednesday, not a Friday. Why thankfully? Well, we all know the old belief that Fridays which fall on the thirteenth day of a month are considered to be very unlucky. It occurred in October 2023, and will happen again in September and December this year, then… Continue reading Friday the thirteenth and the Templar curse….

Silent meals, a buddy system, and wine ‘in moderation.’….

This is an article about the Templars. Its sub-heading is Silent meals, a buddy system, and wine ‘in moderation‘. All very well and good, bon appetit and so on, but celibacy was mandatory. Why? Was a life of so-called chastity really necessary? I say this of the Church in general, and any other religion/organisation that… Continue reading Silent meals, a buddy system, and wine ‘in moderation.’….

The thoughts of a prospective purchaser of Dan Jones’ The Templars….

I have been asked for an opinion about Dan Jones and the Templars, and so have delved around for an impression of Jones’ thoughts on the subject. I know nothing about him, and so started from scratch, so to speak. What follows is an assessment from someone who was considering acquiring the book. A YouTube… Continue reading The thoughts of a prospective purchaser of Dan Jones’ The Templars….