The mystery of the Cade key….

There is an interesting article by Sally Self in the Victoria County History, Gloucestershire, Newsletter 8, January 2018. I will repeat it in full, before making any comments of my own. Not to disprove anything, I hasten to say, but to show my own efforts to find out more about this key. I wish to thank… Continue reading The mystery of the Cade key….

Did Richard III choose his nephew Lincoln as his heir presumptive….?

The identity of Richard’s chosen heir has always been a sort-of mystery. Not to me. I have always believed he chose his sister’s eldest son, John de la Pole, Earl of Lincoln. But then I’m stubborn, and once I have made up my mind, it takes a lot to shift me. Lincoln seemed the obvious… Continue reading Did Richard III choose his nephew Lincoln as his heir presumptive….?