Carson on the Beaufort Legitimation

Here is Annette Carson‘s investigation into the legal background behind the legitimation of the four Beauforts, a case with obvious implications for 1483 and the succession but some differences as well. Indeed, to what extent did Henry IV, with four healthy sons and two fit daughters want his half-siblings to be among his heirs?

The Duke of Lancaster and his third duchess….

Here they are again, John of Gaunt, Duke of Lancaster, and Katherine de Roët/Swynford, the mistress who became his third duchess and thereby caused a storm throughout society nd history. A storm that still reverberates today, because it’s from John of Gaunt, Duke of Lancaster that the House of Lancaster descends, and from both of… Continue reading The Duke of Lancaster and his third duchess….

What did Chaucer think of the Somerset countryside….?

Life wasn’t always a bed of roses for Geoffrey Chaucer. We may laud him today, but in his own time he sometimes got into debt. His works are brilliant, there’s no doubt about that (I rate him above Shakespeare) and he made a fortunate marriage to one Philippa de Roët. Who she? Well, she was… Continue reading What did Chaucer think of the Somerset countryside….?


An interesting article about Ewelme and its church, where Alice Chaucer, Duchess of Suffolk, has an exceptional tomb. Ewelme was part of the inheritance of Matilda Burghersh. As mentioned in the earlier M&B article, Matilda’s marriage was quite literally sold to John of Gaunt by her relative and guardian, Lady Mohun. This was only possible… Continue reading Ewelme


A review of Plantagenet Queens and Consorts by Steven J. Corvi   I am always partial to a good book on medieval English Queens. History being what it is, these women often get overlooked and sidelined unless they did something that was, usually, regarded as greedy, grasping or immoral. Therefore when I saw Steven J.… Continue reading A BOOK ON PLANTAGENET QUEENS-BUT WHERE IS ANNE?