Marriage in Medieval London And Extricating Oneself Only You Couldn’t…

My lastest A Medieval Potpourri post. Artist’s impression of a medieval wedding being solemnised. ‘Frieze of a Medieval Wedding’.  Artist Thomas Stothard (1755-1835) Yale Centre for British Art. I have,  in my most recent meanderings,  meandered quite a bit.  Of late I’ve meandered from the Plague Pits of London 1665 to  Gleaston Castle, rendezvous… Continue reading Marriage in Medieval London And Extricating Oneself Only You Couldn’t…


The use of strawberries in the works about Richard III written by Thomas More, Edward Hall, and William Shakespeare has always been puzzling to me, and I suspect, many others. The fact that strawberry are given such a prominent mention in the ‘council chamber’ scene where Richard reveals an, ahem, withered arm, is well known… Continue reading THE SECRETS OF STRAWBERRIES