The ghosts of Byland Abbey….

Ghosts and spooky stories are not new, and no doubt tales of them were told aeons ago around cave fires when mammoth-hunting was over for the day. Shakespeare created the ghost of Hamlet’s father to alarm audiences in 16th-century England, and ghosts were certainly around before then, in the medieval period, as you can read… Continue reading The ghosts of Byland Abbey….

The Church and the midsummer solstice….

  You might wonder what the above 1855 painting (from Gunby Hall, Lincolnshire) has to do with the summer solstice, but it’s taken from this National Trust article, which emphasises the magical aspect of this particular time of the year. It also illustrates the sort of books I read as a child. Today’s adults underestimate… Continue reading The Church and the midsummer solstice….

The thoughts of a prospective purchaser of Dan Jones’ The Templars….

I have been asked for an opinion about Dan Jones and the Templars, and so have delved around for an impression of Jones’ thoughts on the subject. I know nothing about him, and so started from scratch, so to speak. What follows is an assessment from someone who was considering acquiring the book. A YouTube… Continue reading The thoughts of a prospective purchaser of Dan Jones’ The Templars….