Henry VI….our most unfortunate king….?

  Was Henry VI our most unfortunate king? Well, at only nine months he was certainly the youngest to come to the throne. And when he reached adulthood his mental state was frequently out of kilter. A little like his maternal grandfather, the French king Charles VI, known to posterity as Charles the Mad. Charles… Continue reading Henry VI….our most unfortunate king….?

Kings made of glass….?

What does one call a gathering of glass men? Splinters? Shards? It seems that in the medieval period there was a sudden upsurge of people who believed they—or part of their bodies—were made of glass. Heads, buttocks, entire bodies, whatever, and the belief was so strong and irresistible that some of them resorted to shocking… Continue reading Kings made of glass….?


Clarendon Palace is a little known historical site. Most  people in Salisbury know it’s there; less can tell you how to reach it. There is no car park; you won’t find tourist coaches. Pull in on the narrow leafy green lane then you must walk, like a Hobbit leaving the Shire, past farms and across… Continue reading NEW EXCAVATIONS AT CLARENDON PALACE