The Links That Bind – Reappraisals – Richard III, Edward V, the Herald’s Memoir, Coldridge/John Evans, Sir Henry Bodrugan, Thomas Grey and Gleaston Castle.

    REBLOGGED FROM A MEDIEVAL POTPOURRI @ Could these images in Coldridge Church be of the same man? A young Edward V, an adult man whose face appears to show injury/disfigurement around the mouth/chin area and the face of the John Evans effigy which also seems to have a scarred chin? It was way… Continue reading The Links That Bind – Reappraisals – Richard III, Edward V, the Herald’s Memoir, Coldridge/John Evans, Sir Henry Bodrugan, Thomas Grey and Gleaston Castle.

Piel Island and its connection with Lambert Simnel….

At just 50 acres, Piel Island off Cumbria isn’t very big, as can be seen in the illustration above, and it has a tradition of ‘Kings of Piel’, which title is enjoyed by the landlord of the Ship Inn. He has his coronation too, so it’s all pukka! 😊 “….The title – according to that… Continue reading Piel Island and its connection with Lambert Simnel….


Reblogged from A Medieval Potpourri The Last Stand of Martin Schwartz and his German Mercenaries at the Battle of Stoke Field 16th June 1487.  Unknown artist Cassell’s Century Edition History of England c.1901. Dublin, Ireland 24th May 1487.    A young lad is crowned King of England and France and Lord of Ireland in Christ… Continue reading THE MYSTERIOUS DUBLIN KING AND THE BATTLE OF STOKE

Lambert Simnel and Edward V

I’m beginning to convince myself that the Lambert Simnel Affair might have been an uprising in favour of Edward V, not Edward, Earl of Warwick….  

Re-enactment of, and history trail about, the Battle of Stoke Field….

Because I had considerable trouble finally reading all of this article, I have taken the liberty of copying it all, word for word. So I do not claim anything that follows . It is all Nottinghamshire live:- “It was the site of one of the most important battles in English history, a blood-soaked clash that… Continue reading Re-enactment of, and history trail about, the Battle of Stoke Field….