After the Mayflower …

Here is a Washington Post article discussing the consequences for one particular Native American tribe of the arrival of the Mayflower in America just over four centuries ago. As you can see, those consequences weren’t very positive but the Pilgrims themselves are rarely mentioned, except at Thanksgiving.

More celebs descended from royalty (yawn!)….

“After Richard III, John finally became king.” Um, yes…. Very accurate. You’ll find this blooper in the article below. 13 Celebrities You Didn’t Know Were Descendants of Famous People – Next Luxury Well, how many more celebrities are going to claim descent from royalty and other notables from the past? To be famous these days… Continue reading More celebs descended from royalty (yawn!)….

Songs about Devon

Here we have another album from the Legendary Ten Seconds, featuring songs about Richard III’s visit to Exeter and “Perkin“‘s attempt to enter the city, as well as several later events. Here are the words to King Richard’s Visit and At the Gates of Exeter, which can be played here and here.

The Mayflower

Below is William Halsall’s 1882 portrait of the Mayflower in Plymouth Harbor. It is obviously imagined as the original ship was almost certainly broken up at Rotherhithe in 1624, a more extreme case than  the “Streatham portrait“, which post-dates it’s purported subject’s death by about forty years. From the spelling of the title, the background… Continue reading The Mayflower

History Book Part Two

A press release for the follow-up to this: History Book Part Two, February 2020. Song of a metal detectorist – About Ashley Mantle’s favourite hobby. A rare romance – Roger Mortimer escapes from the Tower of London and flees to France. Cade’s rebellion – The rebellion of 1450. De Cobham – Song for the De… Continue reading History Book Part Two