UFOs ….or visions of the Second Coming….?

The Vatican Advanced Technology Telescope (VATT), the main telescope of the Vatican Observatory. The dome to the left houses the telescope itself; the space to the right are the control room and the living space for the observers. I have just watched an episode of the TV documentary series Forbidden History concerning the Vatican (Series… Continue reading UFOs ….or visions of the Second Coming….?

Until relatively recently in human history nobody saw the color ‘blue’….

  “Until relatively recently in human history nobody saw the color ‘blue.’ “ and  “the evidence for people not seeing blue dates all the way back to the 1800s.” Um, I don’t quite understand these statements. If they couldn’t see blue, what did they see when they looked up at the sky on a clear… Continue reading Until relatively recently in human history nobody saw the color ‘blue’….