More Anglo-Saxon coins

  Here is a BBC article about two men who discovered, in 2015, a hoard of Anglo-Saxon coins in Herefordshire and chose to conceal them, leading to two collectors being convicted in Durham. The two-headed coins depicted Alfred together with his Mercian colleague, Ceolwulf II, about whom they are highly informative. Ceolwulf had previously been… Continue reading More Anglo-Saxon coins

Dear Catherine …,

… Here is a little something to thank you for being married to me for so long because you definitely weren’t married to my brother, as the Pope confirmed. Sorry, for not being validly married to me because you were really married to my brother, as I decided, despite you giving birth to my first… Continue reading Dear Catherine …,


Reblogged from MEDIEVAL POSY RINGS – GIVEN WITH LOVE… ‘Is this a prologue, or the posy of a ring?’ ‘Tis brief, my lord’ * This beauty is reputed to have been given by John of Gaunt (1340-1399) to his mistress and subsequent third wife, Katheryn Swinford (1350-1403).  The inscription reads ‘alas for fayte’ which was probably… Continue reading MEDIEVAL POSY RINGS – GIVEN WITH LOVE…

More Legendary Ten Seconds songs …

… with Jules Jones as lead vocalist: A new album highlighting the singing of Jules Jones on some of her favourite songs of the Legendary Ten Seconds.Recorded in Torbay, Kingsteignton, Teignmouth and Madron.Released on Richard the Third Records, Songs mastered by Phil Swann in Kingsteignton.Jules Jones lead and harmony singingIan Churchward guitars, keyboards, mandolin, mandola, ukulele… Continue reading More Legendary Ten Seconds songs …

A beautiful country house in the Hoxne Hoard village….

      Anyone who watched the brilliant BBC series The Detectorists will know what to hope of a home in Hoxne, Suffolk.   The village is the location of The Hoxne Hoard, the largest collection of late-Roman gold and silver ever found in Britain, today worth almost £4 million. And now the Old Vicarage in Hoxne is for… Continue reading A beautiful country house in the Hoxne Hoard village….

Digging for Treasure

There are several interesting archaeology series on television and Channel Five has now joined in with an ensemble programme, headed by two familiar personalities (Dan Walker and Michaela Strachan) and a similarly ubiquitous chief archaeologist (Raksha Dave), but with more of an emphasis on metal detecting for the British Museum’s Portable Antiquities Scheme, including Roman… Continue reading Digging for Treasure

More coins found in Suffolk

Gaius Julius Caesar (left) may not have spent much time in Britain during his invasions of 55-54 BC, but his troops and their followers left rather a lot of evidence. Here, the East Anglian Daily Times details a hoard found in Ashbocking during 2019, consisting of 180 silver denarii and provisionally valued at £65,000.

Richard III’s boar badge found at Chiddingly manor house in 1999….

  “….in 1999 a metal detectorist made an extraordinary find that’s become known as the Chiddingly Boar: ‘The white boar badge was used by Richard III’s household and followers between 1472 and 1485,’ the British Museum explain on their website of the hat badge that is now in their collection….” “….The boar was Richard’s symbol, and thousands… Continue reading Richard III’s boar badge found at Chiddingly manor house in 1999….

A tiny gold Bible on a par with the Middleham Jewel….?

  An NHS nurse—Buffy Bailey—has struck gold, quite literally, being a detectorist who has located a jewel that is taking the archaeological world by storm. When she eventually reaps the benefit, her income will knock NHS wages into a cocked hat! She found a tiny gold Bible pendant (only 1.5 cm long!) that seems to… Continue reading A tiny gold Bible on a par with the Middleham Jewel….?

Found in Devon …

We often feature very old coins unearthed. This one was found by metal detecting in a field somewhere in Devon and dates from Henry III‘s reign. It was part of a special consignment of pennies, minted by William of Gloucester with African gold. It features the Great Pavement of Westminster Abbey, which he updated, and… Continue reading Found in Devon …