A tale of monarchs and national anthems

Anyone who has watched a Scottish rugby or association football match will be familiar with the Corries’ folk song O Flower of Scotland, which is played before their matches. The second line of the chorus (“Proud Edward’s army”) refers to Edward II, defeated at Bannockburn so that he never actually ruled Scotland although he may… Continue reading A tale of monarchs and national anthems

A Legendary Ten Seconds special

Recorded by Boycie and The Legendary Ten Seconds For The Mortimer History Society Released on Richard the Third Records June 2019 Catalogue number R17 Recorded at Rock Lee 2018, Orleton Village Hall & Other World Studios May 2019   John Challis : Boycie vocals Lord Zarquon : Mellotron flute keyboards Ashley Dyer : Trumpet Rob… Continue reading A Legendary Ten Seconds special

Ricardian Heavy Metal & Tyrell’s Rotten Rap

RUNNING WILD–BLOODY RED ROSE I came across this heavy metal song from the 1980’s a while back– BLOODY RED ROSE by Running Wild.  It is ‘pro-Richard III’  and here are the lyrics: In the war of the roses, the tragedy source King Edward was bound to die Richard III the new “lord protector” Ruled with… Continue reading Ricardian Heavy Metal & Tyrell’s Rotten Rap


UPDATED POST AT sparkypus.com A Medieval Potpourri https://sparkypus.com/2020/05/14/the-privy-purse-accounts-of-henry-vii-1491-to-1505-2/ Is there anyone else like me who enjoys a good nosy around someone’s privy purse accounts.  They can tell us so much about that person.  For example, Henry VII’s Privy Purse Accounts.  From them we can glean, for example,  how did Henry spend his time relaxing ,… Continue reading THE PRIVY PURSE ACCOUNTS OF HENRY VII 1491 to 1505

A performance in Coldridge – a review

The Legendary Ten Seconds Concert at Coldridge  Nestling deep in the Mid-Devon countryside is the hill-top village of Coldridge where the windswept St Matthews Church is hiding secrets relating to the mystery of The Princes in the Tower. The Church and its links to Richard III and Edward V are currently being investigated by Philippa… Continue reading A performance in Coldridge – a review

Making music – in Latin?

Jukka Ammondt is a Finnish professor of literature who has translated some Elvis Presley songs into Latin. This BBC post from 2006 gives some examples, including “Cor Ligneum”. Is “Es Solus Canis Venaticus” is part of his repertoire? Do the Latin translations scan as well as the original lyrics? In this context, many readers will… Continue reading Making music – in Latin?