Buy the home of the Duke and Duchess of Gloucester? No, not THAT duke, the present one….!

Yes, of course I’ve heard of the present Duke and Duchess of Gloucester. Funnily enough I seem to recall a past Richard, Duke of Gloucester too. However, I hadn’t heard of Barnwell Manor, which has until recently been the home of the present duke and duchess.  It’s in Northamptonshire, half a mile north of the… Continue reading Buy the home of the Duke and Duchess of Gloucester? No, not THAT duke, the present one….!

Battle of Bosworth (2)

You may have heard about the plans of Horiba Mira to build a driverless car testing track encroaching onto Bosworth Battlefield. Here are the details: Click here There is also a petition – please sign: Here

Building plans near a church at Sheriff Hutton, which is much associated with Richard III….

Is it right or wrong to build modern homes adjoining Sheriff Hutton’s ancient church? I can’t help thinking that more suitable land could be found elsewhere. Our places of beauty and heritage are disappearing fast. We should value and protect them.