‘Great magician, damned Glendower'(Part 2.)

Owain‘s training as a lawyer certainly did not stop him from pursuing a military career. in 1384 he is found undertaking garrison duty at Berwick in the retinue of the Flintshire knight Sir Gregory Sais. Sais was a renowned knight, with extensive combat experience in France, particularly Gascony. (He is also a good example of… Continue reading ‘Great magician, damned Glendower'(Part 2.)

Eight treasures found in Powys….

    On Monday, 29th March, 2021, eight medieval and post-medieval finds in Powys (all found by metal detectorists) were declared treasure, and now a number of museums are hoping to acquire the various pieces. The finds consist of coins, finger rings and some personal items owned by wealthy members of Welsh society between the… Continue reading Eight treasures found in Powys….

The Welsh princess men found irresistible….

  When it comes to medieval ladies whose story I have always wanted to write but have never found the moment. something else always got in the way. One such lady is Princess Nest/Nesta of Wales, daughter of the last King of South Wales, whose life spanned the end of the 11th century and beginning… Continue reading The Welsh princess men found irresistible….