Baby William, Baby William and, er, Baby William….

  What’s a long-suffering author to do when her book presents her with three babies from three families, actual people, all called William? Oh joy…. How I wish medieval folk had been more free-spirited and went for unusual names. But no, they called their boys William, Edward, John, Thomas or Henry. It’s very tiresome indeed,… Continue reading Baby William, Baby William and, er, Baby William….

Four Richards, three Joans….and a dragon!

My research perambulations have brought me full circle…back to the Waldegrave family of the 14th century. When rechecking the history of parliament online I found the following sentence in a footnote:- “….Considerable confusion has arisen from the existence of four successive Sir Richard de Waldegraves, especially as the last three all had wives named Joan….” No you-know-what,… Continue reading Four Richards, three Joans….and a dragon!