Richard Armitage Does Richard–at last!

Richard Armitage, the actor best known for his roles as Guy of Gisburne in BBC’s Robin Hood (the only good thing about it IMO) and the dwarf leader Thorin Oakenshield in Peter Jackson’s version of The Hobbit, has always had a special affinity with King Richard III. He was born in Leicester, the place of… Continue reading Richard Armitage Does Richard–at last!


I came upon an interesting Instagram post  by Royalty-now where someone had taken the Society of Antiquaries portrait of Richard III, removed his hat and long hair and blended his face with that of a 21st century man. Although I miss the hair personally, I think he scrubbed up rather well! A few folk commenting… Continue reading MODERN RICHARD!

Richard still wants to play Richard….

Well, we knew before that Richard Armitage would like to play Richard III, and it seems he still does. I thought then that he wanted to play the real Richard, and to a point he still does, but it seems he’s prepared to take on the Shakespeare Richard as well. Shame!!!